Artemisia de Vine: Desire, Fantasy and Consciousness Philosopher

Hear from people who have trained in The deVinery Method

of understanding and playing with sexual fantasies.

Julia from Big Joy coaching

Julia talks about even though she is highly experienced sexpert who thought she understood sexual fantasies, The deVinery Method is lightyears ahead. It became one of her most important methodologies in her sex coaching business and personal life. 

Find out more about Artemisia de Vine and The deVinery Method.


Amy-Marie Babcock - Sex Coach and former Pastor 

"Saying a lot for somebody who's been in pursuit of God through academic study, through a lifetime of jobs in the faith and service fields.

So the idea that in all of this study, in all of my career and my vocation, and all the different places that it's taken me - the idea that sexual fantasy is the place where I really get to see the goodness and the innocence and the beauty of humanity - and of my humanity - I think that's saying quite a bit.”



Lex Ryder from Pleasure Rebels

Lex talks about the mindblowing impact that studying The deVinery Method had on their personal and professional life, and how this radical new framework of understanding fantasies fits well with depth psychology. 

Find out more about Artemisia de Vine and The deVinery Method.


Dr Peter Howie

Talks about how the deVinery Method fits well with psychodrama psychotherapy, has benefited his sex education business and had a terrific effect on his personal sex life! 

Find out more about Artemisia de Vine and The deVinery Method.


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