Artemisia de Vine: Desire, Fantasy and Consciousness Philosopher

Top Podcasts about the meaning and value of sexual fantasies -

and the art of bringing them out of your head and into your bed.

~ Podcasts where Artemisia de Vine features as a guest ~

"It takes animal noises to express how good that podcast was!"

"Wow! I just listened to Artemisia de Vine speak about erotic fantasies and the power within them.

She presented it, the inherent medicine of it all, in such a simple but sublime way that my mind is still ringing with the possibilities, and I'm left looking at my own self in a way that feels so much less shame than I have ever felt when I think of my own sexuality.

A seed has been planted that is casting forth roots and pushing up blossoms that leave me smiling with wild imaginings. The world needs more of that please." - Allen Turner

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