How to work with Artemisia de Vine
Classes, Coaching and Certification
in The deVinery Method
Enagage the genius stories inside your sexual fantasies.
Want in? Jump on zoom for a complimentary and confidential discovery call, or keep reading to be inspired by the coaching packages below.
Book Your Discovery Call!
Desire, Fantasy & Consciousness 8-week Group Program
You've heard of dream work, now it's time for sexual fantasy work. Live, online immersive.
Starts April 17 2025
- Uncover your Personal Erotic Paradox Patterns in your Sexual Fantasies
- The Desire Compass Practice
- The Third Flip Philosophy
- The StoryVerse Ethos
- Erotic Paradox Embodied Practice

The deVinery Method Apprenticeship
Sexual Fantasy Mastery-Level
Both a guided self-discovery journey and mastery-level skill-building apprenticeship program for those who like to go deep.
For select sexperts and sexplorers. Book a discovery call or find out more below.

Media and Presentations
Bring this groundbreaking model for understanding sexual fantasies, desire and consciousness, to your audience.
Relatable and engaging interviews, workshops for your organisation and public speaking.

The deVinery Masterclasses
Monthly live, online classes on specific aspects of sexual fantasies and the transformative power of our erotic narratives.
When we understand how they work, we can create the same effect in our real life date nights.
You can learn a surprising amount about the erotic psyche by subscribing to my free newsletter.
By subscribing you consent to receive content of a sexual nature and are legally an adult in the country in which you reside.